Friday, May 22, 2009


Hi! Everyone I forgot about this site!! LOL!! Blond Moment!! We have been through so much this past year, good and not so good!
We are now on the home stretch of Chris getting his pilots license. He should have it by the end of next month. Yippee!!! It will be a dream come true for Chris.
Ryan just turned five and Elli is now seven, time just doesn't slow down does it!!!!
We are headed to Omaha tomorrow because I need to get my wedding vale and pillow out of Chris' parents basement (we still have storage there from four years ago!). The vale and pillow were my mom's when she got married, so we will be using them in the decorations for their 40Th wedding anniversary celebration. It will be a fast trip but my kiddos are excited.
Elli is almost done with her second grade year of school and Ryan is excited to be in Kindergarten next year.
Well I didnt really write much but enjoy the pictures! I will write again soon or maybe next year!!LOL!! Have a great day! God loves you and wants to hear from you today, have you said "I love you" to Jesus today?


Jennie said...

Hey, friend! i didn't know you had a blog...I love the pictures!