Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Roehrborn Family

Hi everyone! Wow, can you believe it is already 2008? We started this year out GREAT, we are all sick!!LOL Hopefully your year started out healthy! I started this blog so we could all stay in better contact. If it is boring sorry, and just don't finish reading it!!!=D

Chris has decided to take the plunge and start flight lessons. God is opening the doors for him and he found a man that will teach him for a faction of cost. PRAISE the Lord! Flying has been a dream of his for YEARS! So please pray for him. Chris had his first flight last week and the instructer said he was a natural. He can't wait to take me up in the plane with him, BUT I can wait!!lol

Elli is doing great in school. She started 1st grade this year and is reading like a little trooper. Her math skills are amazing for five years old. My little girl will be six next month, WOW time has gone fast.

Our church started a school this year and yep you guessed it I am teaching! I told my husband that I may have graduated with my teaching degree but I have NO desire to teach. Well I am now teaching. God always knows whats best. My sister Frankie is also teaching, it sure has been a blessing living so close to family. My husband differs with me on that sometimes!LOL

Ryan is Ryan!!! Into everything!!!! He is so funny he thinks he should be going to school with sister and mommy. The other night I was trying to sing him to sleep and he said when I finished "if that was supposed to make me sleepy it ain't working mom!" Ryan is definitly an outdoors little man he is constently working on Elk calls while dressed up like spiderman!! He is already wanting to go hunting with daddy, and uncle Al!

Today is nice and sunny and I am getting excited for spring time again, I know it won't be for a few more months but I can dream can't I!!

Well hope you all have a Great and Happy Day! May God Bless you!